There are visibly two categories of people I have met so far who dance to the tune of life, One Two Cha cha cha!! in their own way
One: Who find faults
Two: Who work against all odds
One: Who have no clue
Two: Who exactly know what to do
One: Who run after others
Two: Who make others run after them ;)
One: Who are news breakers
Two: Who are news makers
One: Who fall in love
Two: Who rise in love
One: Who would say the same thing again and again
Two: Who would say the same thing differently
One: Who notice you for your tie, perfume and shoe
Two: Who notice you only if you have some sense and IQ
One: Who will write off you
Two: Who will write History with all that they do
One: Who take life so seriously that they crib, bitch, gamble and hoard money
Two: Who find life so short that they prefer hoarding friends, laurels and a partner a'la Honey
One: Who hunt for happiness outside home
Two: Who find it residing just in their adobe
One: Who fight for the peice of land
Two: Who lend for the peace in land
One: Who quitely wait for their turn
Two: Who are always out of turn
One: Who will be forgotten
Two: Who will be remembered for what they've done.