God kneaded damp mud to create man and then blew his spirit in him.
His mud moulding manouveres, sometimes hard sometimes soft punches made and shaped us. But I often think the pre-creation kneading and pushing continues even now in the post creation period . Every experience adds in our dough of life the required amount of moisture, dryness, sometimes sweet sometimes sour filling, making us the relishable or a desirable specie. Every incident is like that kick and nudge which we might have recieved before coming down on Earth. Isn't it? What made me talk of this thought is the eager hunt for a suitable Boy for me yaar! It is at that time I interrupted and said no. Not knowing why an improptu no to this groom hunt for me. Is marriage genuinely an important ingredient to make my dough of life fine to taste and perfect in shape. Recently I blogged on my seniors blog where I read about the fading affection in marriages after a gap of long years, and a usual promising start at the onset of every marriage bond. Some even said that single is the status to be in and I'm utterly confused what if I be what I am abhi. A single ladki!
Dont know how do you want to live your life or shall I rather say dont know how do you intend to live it further.
ReplyDeleteWe have only one life to smile our smiles, grow pains and learn from them, and be responsible for our every action whether it brings pains or smiles.
I can assure u there will be only few in numbers who would love with all their heart and if you recognise it and still avoid it 's your take.
You make people accept your attitude and the world is always ready to call u a tainted one but this ones only look into ur SOUL
SO I'd just say dont just live life celebrate it...coz its urs.
hey moto,
ReplyDeleteyour work is perfectly stunning. Apart from your writing skills what is commendable is your "thought process". how do you manage to be so creative? ...and now i see your "new world" coming into my vision...world of time..."time in your stride" (inshallah). From the straplines, to the headlines, to the content- all speak of the lustre of your accomplishments.
Splendid work! i actually take pride in your work. All your skills need a worldwide acclamation...you have a long way to go. lots of love Ambreen Agha
Food for thought. shall I say motu, and yet, before you question this, also think of say...30 years from now, your frineds and sisters well-settled, think of a quiet sunday evening, when you want to relax, maybe want someone to talkt o and your sister is busy with her grandson, what will you do, even if you want to share your frustrations in office, friends have their own, why will they want to hear you, or just experience a quiet cup of tea at a wayside restaurant??how many will be willing to really listen to why you like the place so much...Does that answer the question?